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All you wanted to know about mobile app development

Mobile app development is growing at an exponential rate. According to Google’s 2016 mobile index, users spend more time on mobile apps than on desktop computers. And some of the most popular apps aren’t even games. Facebook Messenger and Instagram, for example, are extremely useful ways of communicating with friends and family members (not to mention potential employers). In this article, we’ll discuss what mobile app is, how they’re developed and what makes them work so well.

What is an App?

An app is a piece of software that runs on a mobile device. It has to be downloaded from an app store, such as the Apple App Store or Google Play, and then you can execute it on your phone or tablet.

Types of apps and mobile app development

There are two types of apps: native, which run on the device itself, and HTML5-based, web applications that run in a browser.

HTML5-based apps are easier to create than native apps as there’s no need for coding or specialized skills. However, because they don’t access the hardware features of your phone or tablet (like location data), HTML5-based apps will generally be slower and less responsive than their native counterparts.

What is App uptime?

Uptime is the amount of time an application is available to users during any given window. For example, if your app has 99% uptime, there’s a 99% chance that it will be up and running for 24 hours.

A critical issue with mobile app development is performance

Performance is a critical issue for mobile apps. It’s the difference between an app that works perfectly and one that crashes every time you use it. One of your most important responsibilities as an app developer is ensuring high performance from the beginning because users don’t want to wait for their apps to load or crash during use. Users should be able to access your app quickly and smoothly—and if they can’t, they’ll move on to another like yours (or better).

It’s essential to test your app!

As you test your app, it’s important to test it on multiple devices and various network conditions. You should also ensure that your app runs smoothly on different OS versions, screen sizes, and languages.

It’s essential to test your app while it’s running on an emulator and while it’s submitted to the store.

Use of APIs

As much as our site code changes daily, we find that there isn’t much to do with our APIs. Why? Because they don’t change often. We work hard to ensure that our APIs are solid and stable, so we don’t want to change them regularly. We know how important it is for you guys to be able to rely on our APIs and not have them break with every new release of the application programming interface (API) or website codebase.

Mobile app development in cross-platform environments

Cross-platform development is a hot topic in mobile app development for a good reason. It allows you to build an app for multiple devices simultaneously, saving time and money. Furthermore, it allows you to create a better user experience. It helps you test your application on many different platforms before finalizing it. By developing on multiple platforms at once and optimizing your code to run on each of them as efficiently as possible, cross-platform development allows you more control over the quality of your product and how fast it can be shipped out into the world!

The first step towards creating a great mobile app is selecting the correct framework or platform upon which to base it – but there are many options! One of our favorites (and what we recommend) is React Native because of its ease of use and flexibility compared with other frameworks such as Ionic or PhoneGap/Cordova — not only does React Native allow developers to use JavaScript/Facebook’s React library instead.

We use Android Studio, NetBeans IDE, Unity3D game engine, NodeJS, and MAMP

We use Android Studio, NetBeans IDE, Unity3D game engine, and NodeJS.

Android Studio is a powerful integrated mobile app development environment (IDE) for Android. It provides everything you need to create new apps or port existing ones to Android.

NetBeans IDE is an open-source Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for developing computer software using the Java platform. It also supports other languages, such as PHP. It has many features such as an intuitive user interface that makes it easy to learn and use, drag-and-drop support for building a GUI, version control tools to manage files easily, syntax coloring with real-time error detection, real-time code walkthroughs with step-by-step debugging options, and more!

Unity3D game engine Unity3D helps developers build high-quality 3D games & apps in less time without sacrificing creative control over their projects or having to spend years learning how 2 make great games before they can even begin creating one, all this while being able to target multiple platforms: WebGL, PC/Mac/Linux Standalone Desktop Client Mobile – iOS (iPad/iPhone), Android & Windows Phone.


That’s what I know about mobile app development. I hope this article has given you a better understanding of the world of mobile apps and how they can improve your life. Check out our other blog posts!


This post was originally published at Digital Adria.

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